trading records----every trade is recorded in this table, even if i didn't update blog post

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


我不在港, 晚上接不到各位的電話. 

預計恒指會下望18000, 甚至更低. 下次反彈時(20600)會平倉及沽貨. 18000以下分段吸納. 仍然保持港股為牛市看法. 大幅度調整之後步入牛3.

恒指假如跌穿上年低位19500, 可能會下望16000. 各位投資者要小心.
不過我個人覺得亞洲地區正在穩定地復蘇, 所以我對後仍然樂觀. 假如去到18000點, 我會趁低吸納. 

今次跌跌咁多, 響我預期之外, 我以為人人都知道美債系計時炸彈, 以為個場已經消化左, 點知唔系.

我覺得美國會步日本後塵, 失落10年-20年, 就算有復蘇都系假象. 不過美國佬好精, 識得搞到其他國家"攬抄", 令個個國家都要幫手救美國.


揸左d期指, 貨量唔算好多, 不過跌成2000點都幾傷. 好在一向有買金同白銀對沖, 先至輸少d. 
計番條數, 將今年上半年贏落既全部輸番曬. 大概無左60幾萬.
不過好彩至今尚算break-even. 年尾再追番啦.

Monday, August 8, 2011

What would be the impact of S&P downgrade of US credit rating on global financial markets and emerging markets like India?

Jim Rogers: None, everyone already knew the US was the largest debtor nation in history — except S&P and Moody’s. - in Business Standard

I didn't expect that market to react so much as I thought every body knew about this....